Wednesday, January 16, 2013


    One of my friends is in school doing a visual arts program and for a part of that program, they have to learn how to knit. I learned how to knit four and a half years ago, but quickly dropped it to learn how to crochet. I've never really looked back at my decision to stop knitting until recently, because seeing my friend doing it is making me nostalgic.
    Today I found a free pattern on Ravelry for a "tea tote" which is basically a little envelope for packets of tea so they wont get damaged in your purse. It is a knitting pattern, and though there are free patterns for crochet envelopes around the same size, I like the way the knit one looks more. That's when I took a look at the pattern and searched a few videos on how to do certain techniques because I had forgotten after all this time. I got my confidence up and dug out my knitting needles and decided to try this pattern out. As soon as I started, it all came back to me like I never forgot! I was so happy! I love how it turned out. The pattern isn't mine, it is by Julie Tarsha. I would recommend this pattern to everyone because it's really simple and sweet!

Just getting started :)
I finished it!

This project was so fun I had to whip up another!

I just love making them! This was my first time ever doing duplicate stitching too.

I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but these needles have SPARKLES in them!
I didn't use them for this project, I just wanted to show my favourite set of needles :)

So pretty!

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