Saturday, March 2, 2013

Crochet iPad Cases

     In June 2011 I made my first iPad case as a birthday gift for my boyfriend. I never bothered to write my pattern down because I didn't plan on making any more. People really liked it so I recently replicated my own pattern and made a few more!

 Original case I made for boyfriend in 2011

Black and blue case I recently made

Light blue and dark blue case I recently made

Rainbow case before I finished sewing up the sides

Rainbow case finished! Front, back and inside view

Friday, February 22, 2013

Crochet Pokémon Items

     I'm planning on eventually getting around to crocheting a lot more items from Pokémon, but for now these are the ones I have made:

Rare Candy

 Apricorns: wht, pnk, blu, grn, blk, red, ylw

Lunar wing

Mew and Other Cute Things

     Since I've been playing a lot of Pokémon lately, I wanted to crochet some Pokémon! The mew I made was from a pattern by Linda Potts(WolfDreamer). It took me a few days of off and on crocheting to get it finished and I added a couple of pipe cleaners in the tail to make it poseable. I really like how it turned out!

     I always start multiple projects at once so this little kitty ended up getting neglected before I actually finished it. Well I'm glad I got around to doing it because it turned out really cute.

     Pretty buttons I ordered on etsy to put on ipad cases I crochet

I ordered these online because you can never have too many cute things!


Friday, February 8, 2013

More Owl Keychains and Fluffly Bear!

     Since I made my two original owl keychains, I just couldn't stop making them! I just love all the pretty colors and putting together different color combinations. Other people seem to really like them too! I've been getting a lot of positive feedback and kind words said about them.

     Here's fluffy bear! I was digging through my wool and I found a bit of leftover mohair I used to make some teddies for someone a while back. I can't remember the brand I used and unfortunately I threw away the band. It was a bit of a pain to crochet with. I was using a 3.5mm hook and the fibres kept catching in themselves. It took way longer to make than most other amigurumis I make that are the same size. I photographed in natural light and it really brings out the color but the picture still doesn't do it justice!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Owl Key Chains and Other Cute Crochet

     I got the idea of making these owl key chains after a pillow I started a couple of years ago but never finished(got the front done and never bothered with the back so the cat uses it as a rug to sleep on). It's pretty big and I really like it so I wanted to make a little one so I can always carry it around with me. I also made solid color backs for the key chains in the main(outside) color.

     Since I was already in the key chain making mood, I also made a cute little flower, star and heart!

     Last year I made some little sweater bunnies so this year I decided to make a little sweater bear.

     Here are all the little buns I have made recently :3

I've had this one designed for a long time now but I only just got around to making it! It's a kappa :)

     I was asked to make a Totoro for someone, and here he is! I found the free pattern for him by Sharon Ojala on Ravelry.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Valentine's Goodies and Moon Mist Bunny

Valentine's day is right around the corner and I've been itching to make some Valentine themed items!

None of the Valentine patterns belong to me. I found the heart pattern on deviantart by hiro-chan28, the candy corn was found on Ravelry by Josephine Wu, and the bear-pops are a tutorial by berrysprite!

I made this little bun yesterday and sticking with my food themed bunnies, this on is moon mist bun! If you don't know, moon mist is a flavour of ice cream and it's delicious!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Amigurumi Bunnies and Mail Treats!

   Lately I've been making amigurumi bunnies in the theme of food! I have a bunch of ideas sketched up, but I've only completed three so far. My latest one that I made today I like to call "Candy-dipped" bun!

Pretty candy-dipped bun!

Strawberry bun.

Mint-chocolate bun.

     I'm always ordering things off the internet because everything awesome is far far away from my local town. I really enjoy "kawaii" stationery, and japanese brands such as san-x, sanrio, q-lia, crux, kamio japan, and the korean brand jetoy choo choo. I was so happy when I got the mail today because guess what it was! I got my Rilakkuma tin pencil case wahoo! I also got the super cute note blocks I ordered.



Inside top

You can even take the little tray out for another compartment

You can even lift that compartment up for more storage on the bottom

The super cute note blocks I got. I'll probably never use them though because I have a tendency not to use stationery and stickers that are too cute!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013


    One of my friends is in school doing a visual arts program and for a part of that program, they have to learn how to knit. I learned how to knit four and a half years ago, but quickly dropped it to learn how to crochet. I've never really looked back at my decision to stop knitting until recently, because seeing my friend doing it is making me nostalgic.
    Today I found a free pattern on Ravelry for a "tea tote" which is basically a little envelope for packets of tea so they wont get damaged in your purse. It is a knitting pattern, and though there are free patterns for crochet envelopes around the same size, I like the way the knit one looks more. That's when I took a look at the pattern and searched a few videos on how to do certain techniques because I had forgotten after all this time. I got my confidence up and dug out my knitting needles and decided to try this pattern out. As soon as I started, it all came back to me like I never forgot! I was so happy! I love how it turned out. The pattern isn't mine, it is by Julie Tarsha. I would recommend this pattern to everyone because it's really simple and sweet!

Just getting started :)
I finished it!

This project was so fun I had to whip up another!

I just love making them! This was my first time ever doing duplicate stitching too.

I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but these needles have SPARKLES in them!
I didn't use them for this project, I just wanted to show my favourite set of needles :)

So pretty!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

More Zelda Things

My first post on this blog was about the Zelda fairies I made with my own pattern, so I figured I'd share some of my other Zelda things I have done in the past.

This master sword was done in 2008

This is one of the first things I ever crocheted. It's a red chuchu and a bomb. I didn't make the pattern for this. It's a free pattern I found on Nerdigurumi. Not only is the picture bad, but since I was learning how to crochet, I wasn't familiar with how to sew the face and eyes on. I should make another one and compare then and now hehe.

I haven't done a cross stitch in about 6 years so I decided to pick it back up with a Hylian crest! I've only ever done about 3 cross stitches anyway and they were always stamped so this was new for me!

This is an ocarina I did over a year ago. The pattern isn't mine, it is a free pattern by Stirling Peters that I found on Ravelry.

A small chest I painted the crest on.

The cover of a box I painted to be Windwaker themed.

Fishman is on the bottom of the box.

Red and blue bubbles are on the inside of the box

Zora's sapphire necklace

All of these things were made at least over a year ago and I have gotten a lot better since. I just thought it would be nice to share some old things of where I started from. One thing about the things I will post on this blog is that the quality of my pictures might be a bit lacking. I only have a cheap digital camera, and I'm no photographer but I think I get my main point across :)